Friday, February 27, 2009

The Dentist

Sayler and Gracie went to the dentist on Tuesday. I was thinking it was going to be like last time screaming and not being able to clean their teeth... blah, blah , blah. Well not this time, they had a TV for them mounted on the ceiling, already on the cartoon network , tom and Jerry- one of sayler and Gracie's favorites! sayler was up first, the did the x-rays, and it was so funny because she kept pushing it out with her tongue. We finally got them , and they were so cute and tiny on the film! she chose cherry toothpaste and laughed and giggled while they cleaned her teeth. Then it was Gracie's turn- and I was a little nervous, but she was so good! she chose bubble gum toothpaste and giggled her Gracie giggle the whole time. Then the dentist came in and I was crossing my fingers. He was so good. he asked if he could count their teeth, and they said yes. so when he got to 20- he said NO CAVITIES-YAY! Then Sayler got her teeth "counted" and he got to 20 and said---- NO CAVITIES--YAY! I was so happy! They chose of course, Dora and Diego toothbrushes.

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